April 1, 2022
Article: Durban Inner City Office Space

How to find the right Durban Inner City Office Space in the post-pandemic world

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A recent Australian study on post-Covid urban recovery found that: “Many CBD workers simply won’t have to come back. CBDs previously didn’t need to be pleasant to be full of people – many were forced to be there. That has changed, and so the city must change too – from a destination of default to a destination of choice.”

Durban CBD’s ongoing revival has been tangible in the last 5 years, with new educational institutions, A-grade offices, members’ clubs and conference spaces, and the ongoing growth in quality student accommodation.

The pandemic has changed the way that office spaces are used and the expectations that employees have of their work environment. Both companies and their employees have a whole new range of needs and demand from inner city office spaces. Employees no longer need to go into the office. But there is still value in the collaborative work that is done in an office environment.

So how do you know how to find the right office space in the Durban CBD in the post-pandemic world?  

These are some useful hints for locating the ideal office space in a post-pandemic world:

Find a space that is located close to the right services

Working from home has changed people’s daily routines. Work is intertwined with home and admin tasks, whether it means ordering groceries to be delivered during the day or following an exercise video during lunchtime. Going back to the office should thus provide employees the opportunity to complete other tasks such as food shopping or admin tasks or going to the gym before or after work. So find a space that is located close to banks, grocery stores, shops, restaurants and gyms.    

Ask yourself what are the needs of your employees?

Employees have learned that they don’t always need to follow a rigid schedule, with flexible working hours and the opportunity to work from home or not. A space that can be adapted to the needs of your employees, where not everyone needs to be in the office every day, opens up a whole new range of possibilities. Creating a modular or hybrid office space, where desks and conference rooms - are within the same building - and can be adapted according to the needs of those who are in the office is one way to meet the requirements of your employees.

After making all the zoom call faux pas, in person meetings have become important again. Find a space that has access to different business services, for meetings, conferences and private areas to work.

Stimulating environments boost productivity

Being confined within one space and merging the office and home has meant that many employees are looking for stimulation outside of the office. Employees who are looking for creative and exciting stimulation want to be in an environment surrounded by public art - see the largest artwork in KZN here - art galleries and creative spaces. The Durban CBD provides great opportunities for this, especially with its proximity to the waterfront and promenade. Consideration should also be given to heritage buildings which have been given a new lease on life, and have a history and richness.

Excellent restaurants like 9th Avenue Waterside, Chambers Club and several others are within easy reach in the CBD for those all important daytime and evening business meetings.

Find a space with a healthy and safe environment

City streets have never been so popular. With more people out on the street, it’s important to find a space where employees can relax in a natural environment and feel safe to move around freely outside on the streets. Pedestrianised streets and walkable districts also help with mental and physical health as employees spend time outside during lunch and after work. The partial pedestrianisation of Durban Club Place is imminent but more can be done to widen pavements and make walking in and around the CBD easier.

Proximity to key institutions

Much like those in the legal sector need to be in close proximity to each other and to the courts - several other sectors from the maritime sector, events industry, finance and public sector departments also require proximity to the ports, banks and City Hall.


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